EVERY Online Business Needs The NEW "Business Portal Page"!
If you are an online business that provides products and services to consumers or to other businesses, you can quickly increase your revenue stream in either or both of the following ways. The unique and customizable Business Portal Page enables consumers to instantly see virtually everywhere your business exists on the internet by listing ALL of your main Business URLs and Online Areas on ONE PAGE! When consumers visit your Business Portal Page and subsequently sign up for Wemetcard Premium Membership services, due to the tracking, your business is paid a 20% recurring commission for each customer, and this continues in perpetuity.
Also, when you tell other businesses about the FREE Business Portal Page service and they upgrade to Premium membership, your business earns an additional 20% recurring commission for each business referral. As a Partner, you have access to our Business Affiliate area where you can copy code for displaying our text and graphic banners on your website. (see samples below) In addition to the free customizable referral hyperlink for referring customers, you also get a sub-affiliates hyperlink that you can include in emails, newsletters and B2B webpages for signing up other businesses as sub-affiliates. To join our Business Affiliate Program, click here. For details about the NEW "Business Portal Page" service, see below.
Consumers can enter your Business Vanity Code at faceuser.com and smartphone users can scan your Business Links QR Code to be instantly taken to your Business Portal Page showing ALL your main business URLs, special offers, product showcases and business announcements! Businesses can post their FREE Codes in magazine and newspaper ads, on vouchers, flyers, business cards, postcards, sign posts, billboards, store and window displays, TV ads, PDFs, Word Docs, Social Media Business Pages and other locations.
Business Links QR Code
Scan Me
Post links to Special Offers, Product Showcases and Business Announcements!
For further details and to GET STARTED, visit: BusinessPortalPage.com