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Affiliate sign-up
Welcome To The Wemetcard Business Affiliate Program!
Our program is free to join, it's easy to sign-up and requires no technical knowledge.
How does it work?
When you join our program you will get access to your own control panel. There you can get graphic banners and text links to promote our services. When your customers sign up for Wemetcard Premium membership, your business is paid a 20%recurring commission. Additionally, you are paid $5.00 for each referred sale of QuickFind Tags™.
Business to Business Referrals
Use our Business to Business banners to refer other businesses. Also include your subaffiliates hyperlink in emails and newsletters. When they become your subaffiliates, your business will earn a 20%recurring commission on their Business Membership and additional commissions on all their customers that use our Premium services. You will also earn $1.00 for each of their customers who orders QuickFind Tags™.
Real-Time Statistics And Reporting
Check your statistics, sales, traffic, account balance and see how your email hyperlink, text links and banners are performing anytime in your affiliate panel.
Affiliate Program Details
Customer referral commission: pay per sale 20% Business referral commission: pay per sale 20%