Your most current resume can also be downloaded directly from your member profile page.
As a Member, you can also print your own "WeMetCards" and include your Personal Contact Code (see below) or member ID, on the back. Having "WeMetCards" to give out during job interviews, can definitely give you the edge
over other applicants. Click here to JOIN NOW!
Membership also allows you to create your own custom "Personal Contact Code". Never again lose contact
with friends, classmates, business associates and casual contacts.
How often have you given someone your handwritten contact information or written down someone's contact information only to have the piece of paper it was written on become lost? People
often hand out business cards, but lose contact after changing
jobs, phone numbers, email addresses or relocating. Well now there's a better way to keep in contact because you not only have
an attractive "WeMetCard" which contains your "Personal Contact Code", to hand out,
your current contact information is also online! Anyone you have given your card to can simply go to, enter your code and obtain your updated contact information. Your online Member Profile page lets you control what information
is viewed and it can be updated anytime! Members can
also post personal and/or business information and even upload
logos and photos. Click
Here to see sample.
Designing the back of your card
is also quick and easy! Only put the information on
your cards you want others to see such as your Name and "Personal Contact Code", and post any other detailed information on your Member
Profile page. When someone visits
your Member page, they can send you an email message through the automated system
and your personal email address remains private at all times.
"WetMetCards" can be delivered in just a few business
days or faster with RUSH processing!
As an introductory promotional
offer, we are discounting the regular annual Premium membership fee of to only $9.95! That's a twenty dollar savings!
Click here to sign up!